Reassessing the impact of the pandemic on well being: Identifying opportunities for growth and innovation

Dan Soneson Portrait
Adolfo Carrillo Cabello Portrait

Dan Soneson 
Adolfo Carrillo Cabello
CLA Language Center
University of Minnesota


Short description
The Language Collaboratory’s spring sessions foregrounded the complexities of striking a balance among professional, academic, and personal goals. Although achieving well-being within the academic life may seem daunting, discussants were able to introduce specific strategies that can significantly impact teaching and learning, aimed at fostering well-being in instructors and students of languages. Despite the current situation in these challenging times, we were able to uncover silver linings in virtual teaching and working remotely. This wrap-up session of the series provides an opportunity for collaborative learning by foregrounding questions that remain and sharing ideas on how the challenges we have faced may promote innovation going forward. Participants will be invited to share takeaways from the sessions and ideas for innovation. 

About the discussants:  Dan Soneson is the Director of the Language Center in the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota. He has served as the Managing Editor of the IALLT Journal and is a former president of the Midwest Association for Language Learning Technology.  He was the principal investigator for a four-year grant from the Language Flagship to conduct large-scale proficiency tests, and has published and presented on the results. Adolfo Carrillo Cabello serves as the technology enhanced language learning specialist in the CLA Language Center.

 Delivery format: Zoom meeting